
The programme of the Conference is announced below (please scroll to the bottom of the website or click HERE).

Prof. Marcin Wiącek

Commissioner for Human Rights VIII term

Marcin Wiącek was born on 28 March 1982 in Mińsk Mazowiecki. He is a professor of the University of Warsaw, and holds the degree of habilitated doctor in law. He is the head of the Human Rights Department of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. His areas of specialty are constitutional law and human rights. 

He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw as well as the Center for American Law (2006). In 2009, he defended his doctoral dissertation regarding a court’s question of law to the Constitutional Tribunal. Also in that year, he became a member of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. 

In 2013, he was awarded the degree of habilitated doctor, after passing the post-doctoral degree examination and defending his dissertation on the possibility of application of the constitutional regulations, by courts and the Constitutional Tribunal, in cases originating in the post-war period. 

Since 2019, he has been a professor at the University of Warsaw. In 2003–2007 he worked in the Constitutional Tribunal. Since 2007, he has been employed at the Jurisprudence Division of the Supreme Administrative Court. In 2014–2018, he was a member of the Prime Minister’s Legislative Council. In 2014–2016, he was responsible for legislative applications at the Government Legislation Center. He was also a member of the National Committee on Spatial Planning and Architecture. Member of the Research Centre on Legal Aspects of Blockchain Technology, operating within the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. 

Author of over one hundred scientific publications, in particular on constitutional law, constitutional courts, administrative courts and human rights protection. Participant of numerous scientific conferences, including international ones.

He has cooperated as an expert with numerous public bodies, including the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Sejm Bureau of Research, the Office of Commissioner for Human Rights, the Government Legislation Center, the Supreme Audit Office, the National Council of the Judiciary, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of the State Treasury, the Ministry of Finance, the Municipal Office of Warsaw and the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. 

He has been awarded the Warsaw Order of Merit by the Warsaw City Council, and the “I remember – I help” medal by the Association of Warsaw Insurgents and the Foundation for the Remembrance of the Warsaw Uprising Heroes. 

He speaks English and French. 

Prof. Leszek Bosek

Head of Medical Law and Biotechnology Center


Degree Courses

  • 2023 Full Professor in Law (Professor Ordinarius)
  • 2015 Professor of the University of Warsaw
  • 2013 Habilitation in Law (Dr. Hab. Iur.), Gwarancje godności ludzkiej i ich wpływ na polskie prawo cywilne [Guarantees of human dignity and their impact of Polish civil law], University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration
  • 2006 PhD in Law (Dr. Iur.), Bezprawie legislacyjne (problemy odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej) [Legislative unlawfulness (problems of compensatory damages)], the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration, adviser: Professor Marek Safjan
  • 2002 MA in Law (summa cum laude), the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration 2000 Diploma in English and European Law, the University of Cambridge & the University of Warsaw


  • Since 2018 Head of the Center for Medical Law and Biotechnology, the University of Warsaw
  • Since 2008 Department of Civil Law, the University of Warsaw
  • 2009-2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Bioethics and Medical Law, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
  • 2008-2021 Lecturer in European and Constitutional Law, Bar of Legal Advisers in Warsaw

Area of expertise:

Medical Law, Civil Law, European Law, Constitutional Law

Courses taught:

General Part of Civil Law and Property Law; Law of Obligations in jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Constitutional Tribunal; General Part of Civil Law in jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Constitutional Tribunal; European Medical Law and Bioethics; Medical Law.

International cooperation

Selected lectures & research

  • 2021 United Kingdom, the University of Cambridge, 10th Annual Conference of the Cambridge International Law Journal, paper „Testing proportionality of anti-epidemic emergency measures under EU law”
  • 2021 The Netherlands-Serbia, Erasmus University in Rotterdam and University of Belgrad, keynote speech „Anti-epidemic emergency measures under Polish law in a comparative, historical and jurisprudencial perspective”, Responses to COVID crisis in Central and Eastern European Countries – New Frontiers of Health Law
  • 2020 Ukraine, National University of Taras Shevchenko in Kiev, paper „The State of Epidemic Emergency and the State of Epidemic in a comparative perspective”
  • 2014 Italy, European University Institute, Florence
  • 2013 United Kingdom, Exeter College, University of Oxford
  • 2011 Germany, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg
  • 2010 Germany, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg
  • 2009 Belgium, Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, Leuven
  • 2008 Germany, Free University of Berlin
  • 2008 United Kingdom, Cardiff School od Law

Selected publications:

Marek Safjan, Leszek Bosek (editors-in-chief) the 6-volume work “The System of Medical Law”, C.H. Beck 2017-2022, pp. 7098 (“System Prawa Medycznego”), which comprehensively discusses the entire system of health law. The System includes: Volume I, M. Safjan, L. Bosek (editors), Institutions of medical law, 2017, pp. 1088, Leszek Bosek, Chapters: 4, p. 237-315; 8, p. 495-515; 9.3-9.4, p. 519-626; 11.1-11.3; 11.10.1-11.10.4, p. 689-865; Volume II. Special health services, 2018, pp. 1076 pages, Leszek Bosek Chapters: 1, p. 1-43, 2, p. 45-84, 18, p. 913-965; Volume III. Organization of the health care system, 2020, pp. 1350 pages, Leszek Bosek Chapter 2, p. 29-98, Chapter 4, p. 139-200, Chapter 5, p. 201-282; Volume IV. Pharmaceutical law, 2019, pp. 1062; Volume V. Private law liability, 2021, pp. 1092; Volume VI. Public law liability, 2022, pp. 1430;

Leszek Bosek, Stan epidemii. Konstrukcja prawna [State of Epidemic. Legal concept], C.H.Beck 2022, pp. 400 (a comparative monograph);

Leszek Bosek, Anti-Epidemic Emergency Regimes under Polish Law in Comparative, Historical and Jurisprudential Perspective, “European Journal of Health Law” (28) 2021/2, s. 113–141;

Leszek Bosek, Bezprawie legislacyjne [Legislative unlawfulness], second edition – Wolters Kluwer 2021, pp. 400 (a monograph);

Leszek Bosek (ed.), Ustawa o zapobieganiu oraz zwalczaniu zakażeń i chorób zakaźnych u ludzi. Komentarz [The Act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases. Commentary], C.H. Beck 2020, 1054 pages; L. Bosek – the editor and author of commentaries to: art. 1, art. 2, art. 3, art. 4, art. 5, art. 6, art. 46, art. 46a, art. 46b, art. 46bb, art. 48a (>300 pages);

Leszek Bosek (ed.), Ustawa o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta. Komentarz [Act on Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Rights Ombudsman. Commentary], C. H. Beck, Warsaw 2020, 873 pages. L. Bosek – the editor and author of commentaries to: Art. 1, Art. 2, Art. 3, Art. 4 section 2, Art. 5, Art. 6, Art. 7, Art. 12a, Art. 20, Art. 20a, Art. 21, Art. 22, Art. 67a, Art. 67b, Art. 67c, Art. 67d, Art. 72 (>180 pages);

Leszek Bosek, W. Borysiak, The Determination of Death under Polish Law in Comparative, Historical and Medical Perspective, European Journal of Health Law 28 (6/2020), pp. 1-20;

Leszek Bosek, Grzegorz Żmij , On the CETA’s compatibility with European Union law in light of Opinion No 1/17 of the Court of Justice of 30 April 2019, Zeitschrift für Europarecht, Internationales Privatrecht & Rechtsvergleichung 6/2020, pp. 652-680;

Leszek Bosek (ed.), Medical Law, C.H.BECK 2019, 572 pages, L. Bosek – author of chapters: 1, 5, 6.3-6.4, 8.1-8.3, 8.6, 8.10, 13;

Leszek Bosek, Aktualne zagadnienia sporne w międzynarodowym arbitrażu inwestycyjnym – uwagi na tle wyroku TSUE z 6 marca 2018 r. Achmea C-284/16, [w:] J. Haberko. J. Grykiel, K. Mularski (red.), Ius civile vilantibus scriptum est. Księga jubileuszowa Profesora Adama Olejniczaka, Warszawa 2022;

Leszek Bosek, G. Żmij, Jeszcze o rozstrzyganiu sporów patentowych w Europie. Uwagi na tle wyroku niemieckiego Federalnego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dnia 13 lutego 2020 r., [w:] A. Jakubecki, A. Niewęgłowski (red.), Księga Jubileuszowa Profesora Ryszarda Skubisza, Warszawa 2022;

Leszek Bosek, Między obiektywnym porządkiem wartości a autonomią prawa cywilnego – konstytucyjne aspekty niegodności dziedziczenia, [w:] W. Borysiak, J. Wierciński (red.), Księga jubileuszowa Profesor Elżbiety Skowrońskiej-Bocian, Warszawa 2022;

Leszek Bosek, Katarzyna Królikowska, Constitutional Dimensions of the Judicial Restitution of Wrongfully Expropriated Property in Poland, Loyola of Los Angeles International & Comparative Law Review, 3 (41) 2018, p. 369-408;

Marek Safjan, Leszek Bosek (ed.), Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Komentarz [Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Commentary to Art. 1-86], vol. 1 and vol. 2, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2016, pp. 4000. L. Bosek – author of commentaries to: Art. 30 [dignity] p. 722-751; Art. 31 ust. 1-2 [freedom] p. 751-770; Art. 32 [equality and non-discrimination] p. 818-843; Art. 68 [right to health] p. 1523-1565; Art. 77 [liability of public bodies] p. 1725-1774; Art. 79 [constitutional complaint] p. 1819-1849; Art. 218 [State Treasury], p. 1499-1515;

Leszek Bosek, Mikołaj Wild, Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka. Zagadnienia ustrojowe-skarga indywidualna-skutki orzeczeń [European Court of Human Rights. Constitutional issues – individual complaint – consequences of decisions], Warszawa 2014, 273 pages;

Leszek Bosek, Mikołaj Wild, Kontrola konstytucyjności prawa. Zagadnienia ustrojowe, procesowe i materialnoprawne. Komentarz dla sędziów i pełnomocników procesowych [Constitutional review. Systemic, procedural and material issues. Commentary for judges and barristers], C.H.Beck 2014, 496 pages;

Leszek Bosek, Gwarancje godności ludzkiej i ich wpływ na polskie prawo cywilne [Guarantees of human dignity and their impact on Polish civil law], Warsaw 2012, 476 pages;

Leszek Bosek, Marek Safjan, Le droit à la vie privée et la question de l’euthanasie en Pologne [in:] Le droit de la santé: aspects nouveaux, Travaux de l’Association Henri Capitant, Journées suisses Tome LIX, Bruxelles 2012, p. 827-842;

Leszek Bosek, Bezprawie legislacyjne [Legislative unlawfulness], LexisNexis 2007, 371 pages.

Selected Extramural


  • Since 2020 Member of Polish Assosiation of European Law
  • Since 2018 Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland
  • 2006-2018 Counsel, Director and the President of the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland (Prokuratoria Generalna), advocacy in the case of CJEU Grand Chamber 6 March 2018, C284/16, Achmea;
  • 2011-2015 Senior legal expert in the Parliament (House of Representative – Sejm)
  • 2002-2006 Law Clerk to Justice of Constitutional Tribunal
  • 2008 Member of a commission on ratification of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine
  • 2002-2015 President of Academia Iuris Foundation, non-profit organisation offering free legal aid.

Laurence LWOFF, PhD

“Autonomy and protection of children in biomedicine: striking the “rights” balance”

Mrs Laurence LWOFF holds a MSc. in reproductive physiology from the University of Paris VI – Jussieu (France). She then obtained her degree in agronomy from the Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (France) in 1986 and received her PhD in molecular biology in 1989.

She joined the Council of Europe in 1991, where she was entrusted with the responsibilities of the Secretariat of the Conventions concerning the use of animals in agriculture and science, in the Directorate of Legal Affairs. In 1999, her responsibilities were extended to biotechnology. She was the Secretary of the International Conference of the Council of Europe on Ethical Issues Arising from the Applications of Biotechnology (Oviedo, Spain, May 1999). In 2002, she joined the Bioethics Department where she has been responsible in particular for the activities on human genetics and on the protection of the human embryo and the foetus. Since 2012 she is the Secretary of the intergovernmental committee in charge of the protection of human rights in biomedicine, i.e. the Steering Committee for Human Rights in the fields of Biomedicine and Health (CDBIO). She is the Head of the new Human Rights and Biomedicine Division (DGI – Human Rights Directorate).

Prof. Tamara K. Hervey

(City University, London)

"Reshoring of health care system capacities: a European human rights issue"

Tamara K Hervey (LLB (Hons) (Glasgow), PhD (Sheffield), called-name Tammy, she/her, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health, is Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law ad personam at the City Law School, City University, London. 

One of the first to the field, Tamara has been researching all aspects of EU health law since the 1990s. She also publishes in comparative health law, in legal research methodologies and in legal pedagogy. She is author of 21 books and over 200 other publications. She works with a large network of academics across Europe and in North America. From 2016-2023, Tamara also worked on the effects of Brexit on health law and policy.

Tamara has advised a range of European and national entities, including the European Parliament; European Commission; the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health, Republic of Ireland; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission; UK House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee; and the House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee. 

Programme of the 9th Conference of the European Association of Health Law Health and Fundamental Rights

September 18-20, 2024
Warsaw University, Poland

Wednesday (September 18, 2024)


8:45-12:15 Registration and Hospitality Desk
Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

9:00-12:00 Young Scholar Workshop

12:30-14:30 Guided Tour
Starting point: Old Library, Main Campus of the University of Warsaw


15:00-18:30 Registration and Hospitality Desk
Lobby of the Old Library, Main Campus of the University of Warsaw

15:30-17:00 Opening Ceremony and Opening Lecture
Old Library, Main Campus of the University of Warsaw

Opening speeches:
Rector of the University of Warsaw
Dean of the Faulty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw
President of the EAHL
President of the Conference
Opening Lecture – Commissioner of Human Rights of the Republic of Poland

17:00–18:30 Welcome Reception

Thursday (September 19, 2024)

8:30-18:00 Hospitality Desk
Lobby of the Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

09:00–11:00 PLENARY SESSION 1
Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

9:00-9:30 Keynote lecture: Professor Leszek Bosek, Fundamental rights in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Biotech Directive

Moderator: Michał Królikowski

09:30–09:45 Dean M. Harris, Comparing fundamental rights to health care in the United States and Europe
09:45–10:00 Steven Lierman, Reliable science in the courtroom: a joint responsibility of policymaker, scientist and judge
10:00–10:15 Estelle Brosset, The scope of Article 35 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: what does the Court say?
10:15–10:30 Janusz Roszkiewicz, When can a patient be deprived of life without his consent? Considerations in the light of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
10:30-11:00 Discussion

11:00–11:30 COFFEE BREAK
Lobby of the Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

11:30–13:30 PLENARY SESSION 2
Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

11:30–12:00 Keynote lecture: Professor Tamara K. Hervey, Reshoring of healthcare system capacities: a European human rights issue?

Moderator: Dobrochna Bach-Golecka

12:00–12:15 Tomasz Sroka, Contemporary trends in the protection of fundamental rights in health law: diagnosis and evaluation
12:15–12:30 Kavot Zillén, Children’s Health-related Rights in the Post-Pandemic era
12:30–12:45 Claudia Seitz, Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications: Acceptable Risks in the Light of Absolute and Relative Safety
12:45–13:00 Michał Królikowski, Calling out for death: Subjectivity in patterns of dying
13:00-13:30 Discussion

13:30-14:30 LUNCH
Lobby bar, Collegium Iuridicum II

14:30-16:00 PANELS

16:00-16:15 COFFEE BREAK
Lobby of the Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

Collegium Iuridicum II, room 2.6

16:15-17:45 Stefania Negri & Annagrazia Altavilla & Emanuele Cesta & Sandro Bonfigli & Éloïse Gennet, Fundamental Rights as a Pillar of the EU Global Health Strategy

17:45-18:00 COFFEE BREAK
Lobby of the Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

Hotel Bellotto, Senatorska Street 13/15

Friday (September 20, 2024)

Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

9:00-10:45 PLENARY SESSION 3
Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

9:00–9:30 Keynote lecture: Professor Laurence Lwoff, Autonomy and protection of children in biomedicine: striking the “rights” balance”

Moderator: Agnieszka Nogal

9:30-9:45 Dobrochna Bach-Golecka, Mothers and health law
9:45-10:00 Jean McHale, Older persons’ fundamental rights to access health care: do we need a new international approach?
10:00-10:15 Tomislav Sokol, EU Pharmaceutical package: is it appropriate for ensuring equal access to medicines across the EU?
10:15-10:30 Andrea Mulligan & Joan Lalor & Linda Hogan, Conscientious Objection in Termination of Pregnancy in Ireland: Balancing Rights and Ensuring Service Provision
10:30-10:45 Discussion

10:45-11:00 COFFEE BREAK
Lobby of the Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

11:00-12:00 POSTERS
Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

  • Søren Birkeland, The legal support for material rights in mental healthcare
  • Roxane Delpech, Towards opening up active aid in dying in France: rethinking medical ethics in the name of patient dignity?
  • Noémie Dubruel & Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Virtual Human Twins For Care: in need of a fundamental rights’ assessment,
  • Lisa Feriol & Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Health research in the era of the European Health Data Space: challenges for autonomy and privacy
  • Tom Goffin & Violette Vanscheeuwijck & Paulien Walraet, The application of the Belgian Patients’ Rights Act to vulnerable patient groups
  • Pauline Rateau & Gauthier Chassang & Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Integrating patients’ fundamental rights in the use of artificial intelligence enabled medical devices (AI-MD) in clinical research: the example of the HT-Advance European project
  • Valentin Roby & Luc-Sylvain Gilbert & Valentin Brunel & Auxane Delage & Aurélie Mahalatchimy, Expediting marketing authorisation pathways for patients’ access to advanced therapies
  • Florence Taboulet & Lucie Barret & Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Right to health protection, right to socialized care and non-therapeutic medicine
  • Marjolein Timmers Ethical and Legal lessons learned from Research and Development of a New Technology for Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling
  • Iwona Wrześniewska-Wal, A health care system that responds effectively to changes and is resistant
    to crises based on the example of developing competences and changing the roles of medical professions

12:00-12:15 COFFEE BREAK
Lobby of the Collegium Iuridicum II, Lipowa Street

12:15-13:45 WORKSHOPS
Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2

Collegium Iuridicum II, Aula 2
Professor Steven Lierman & Professor Leszek Bosek